
What I Have Been Reading...

I have been blogging now for over a year and really love looking back at our little life. Before I started blogging I was an avid blogger follower. I wanted to share with you all the blogs that I keep up with and enjoy reading. (They are in no particular order)

  • Hamme Sweet Hamme- Stephanie is a new momma to Emmah, wife to Michael and Jesus follower.
  • A Day In The Life Of The Moores- Ashley is one of my good friends and has two very beautiful little girls! She is an excellent baker and crafter! She recently taught me how to make homemade laundry detergent!
  • Burlap and Baby- Jen has a precious little boy, Christian, which is just about the same age and Grace and I love watching them grow up.
  • C Style- I am a new follower to Carly's blog, but love all of her fashion advice (which I desperately need). I just wish I could afford it all! Ha!
  • Cross Sisters- This is a blog my sisters, mom and I began a few months ago. Just a little way to share recipes and pictures.
  • Little Baby Pierce- Lidnsey and Nik are friends of mine and people I aspire to be like. Their faith in our Savior is amazing. Baby Pierce was born 23 weeks gestation and he is truly a miracle baby. 
  • Hello Newly Wed Life- I can be found stealing one of Megan's recipes almost on a weekly basis!
  • Little Baby Garvin- I began following Jessica's pregnancy updates before I even knew I was pregnant. 
  • Mommy's First Year- Chandelle is an encouragment to me because she really is a Chrisian momma in more than one way.
  • My Blossoming Bud- Katie has a little boy who was born within days of Grace and I love comparing notes and ideas with her.
  • Parties For Pennies- I know you have heard me talking about my very talented cousin, Heidi, before, but really she might just be the most talented person I know! If you love to throw parties, decorate, cook and so much more and don't have a lot of cash laying around? Then check out her blog she will have the answer!
  • Pretty Little Elm- Brittany has the sweetest little etsy shop. You know how I LOVE hairbows and she has the best!
  • Sharing Our Journey- This lady is amazing! She is a momma of two, speech pathologist, wife, and business owner. She can do it all!
  • The Chronicles of Ruthie Hart- I love following along with fellow believers.
  • The Doucet Diaries- Chrissy has such a cute little girl and great recipes. 
  • The Thankful Mom- This is my long time friend, Mary Frances. We have known eachother literally as long as I can remember. It is so much fun to keep up and now watch each other's children grow!
  • The Baby Doctor's Wife- Carin is a fellow running friend and momma to a three month old little girl. She is full of knowledge and I love being encouraged by her.
  • This Runner's Trials- I have been following Jen's blog the longest. She is a running momma of a little boy and a girl on the way... and still running! She runs a lot of races and I have gleaned a lot of running advice from her being a momma too.
    Words About Waverly

  • Word's About Waverly- Last but certainly NOT least! I love hearing from Ashley and Waverly. She keeps me inspired to always look nice and festive. Also little Miss Waverly is just weeks ahead of Grace and it is so nice to hear from other mommas going through the exact same stages.
If you are new to the blogger world, wether follower or writer, these blogs are a great place to start! Enjoy Reading!


  1. Awe, thanks Katie!!! I tried commenting like 3 times from my phone and it didn't work...not sure why? I have been slacking in blog world lately...both in reading and writing! I'm going to have to check out some of what you've been reading though...looks like we have a few of the same favorites too :) Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Thank you so much Katie! It has been so wonderful to find a group of mommy blogger friends!! :) xo

  3. so nice to find some other mommy blogs to read - these ladies are so inspiring!

    1. I agree! I just had to share! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Such a neat idea to post this! Love it. I so enjoy reading your blog and having an idea of what to expect with my little one. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!!

    1. Thanks! I enjoy reading for many other mom's blogs and learning and growing. Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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