
Run Saturday For Meg

I know many of you might not be runners, but Saturday people all over are running for Meg. 

You might have seen her while scrolling through your facebook feed. She was tragically killed by a drunk driver on Monday while on her morning run. She was a wife, mother of three and a fellow marathoner. This is a little closer to home for me, she is my Dad's Cousin's daughter. 

This is so scary, because it could have easily have been me. I routinely run in the morning, in the dark, by myself. This is a life of a mommy runner. 

Saturday get out and put of few miles in for Meg and her family. Also for awareness for all the mommy runners out there! 


  1. This mom will run. It is amazing how fast this has gotten around, and I should say around the world. Sign up here at Meg' Miles: https://www.facebook.com/events/489458451159627/

  2. This is so sad & TOO scary. So sorry to hear about it.

    When you get a chance, shoot me an email by replying to this so I can have your email address. I am starting a link-up & wanted to invite you.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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