
Why I Run At 5am

Why I Run At 5:

- get some exercise for the day.

- I get to take a shower all by myself.

- allows enough time for me to actually put on makeup (doesn't necessarily mean I do put it on, but I have the option)

- I am able to make my family a hot breakfast.

- I can stop by Starbucks and no one knows.

- I am able to meet with other mommies to talk and catchup.

- I get to ride in the car without bringing a diaper bag, stroller, juice, food etc.

- get exercise over with for the day.

- sometimes get to watch the sunrise.

- much needed alone time.

- have my quiet time (in more than one way).

Running is completely "me time" whether I run with someone or not. What do you do for "me time"?


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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