Being transparent for a little bit, I have been in a serious body funk lately. It doesn't matter how frequent I try to reassure myself that it takes time (6 months with both Grace & David Michael), self doubt and criticism slowly creeps in and engulfs my thoughts. I'm not enough: not skinny enough, not dressed well enough, not pretty enough, not enough.
I am not one of those women who gain minimal weight during pregnancy. It doesn't matter how strict my diet is or how much I exercise while pregnant... I gain weight. I am not one of those women who can breastfeed and all the weight will melt off. I exclusively nursed Grace for 12 months and David Michael for 9, so I know from experience it takes more than that. I am not one of those women who can just work out and fit back in my jeans. It takes discipline.
So as I look down at the scale almost four months post-partum with 14 more pounds to go...
Then I am reminded that this body and all of its lumps, marks, cellulite and all; has housed three beautiful babies. Only God can make my children so perfect, in each and every way.
Negative body image is something I have struggled with my entire life. This is not new to me. Thankfully the Lord has pulled in out of the self doubt. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I am so grateful for a God who doesn't see me from the outside but from my heart within. "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." You and I have been created in the image of our God. Our purpose is to reflect His image to a lost world.
The worst part of struggling with body image issues is the pull it has on me to be self-focused. I was not created to focus on myself. I am here on this earth to bring Glory, NOT to myself, but to my Savior. Thankfully there is hope! There is freedom in our Lord Jesus Christ! Yes, I will always struggle with the flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12) of this world, but I am thankful for the Gospel that has given me the tools to fight and overcome.
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