
Family Christmas Tree Hunt

The McKenzie's have a favorite time of the year... and that is CHRISTMAS! I did not know how much I loved Christmas until I married my husband, Michael. We started a family tradition our first Christmas together and that was driving up to the mountains and getting a Christmas tree. We always leave the day after Thanksgiving with whoever wants to come and pick out our tree for the season. We not only get our tree, but for a present to the Cross Family and to Grandma Stewart we also get a tree for them. (I love how those presents are already done too!)  
The tree farm we go to is really special, they have a fire started with marsh mellows, hot chocolate, and the best apple cider! (the best part... all for free! Of course we do pay for the tree.)

Our tree is the one behind us in the picture! Isn't it beautiful! 
Grace was such a trooper. It was really cold that day and she was so bundled up she could barely move. 

The best part of this is spending time with family and every years has been different. Never has it been the same gang. We look forward to it every year!

Our favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation. Does this picture remind you of anyone?

The mom car has many uses!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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