
5 Month Favorites

The older Grace gets the more fun she becomes! We have had so much fun this month discovering toys, stuffed animals and anything that makes music! Since Christmas was last month, Grace was given a lot of toys and fun new things. Some things from this month's favorites were Christmas presents!

1. Bright Starts Around We Go: This toy has been so much fun! She loves to play the little piano. This piano has three different options for her to play. So when mommy gets tired of listening to one thing, we can change it. She has not quite figured out how to make it move around, but I think everyday we are going to discover other things. Because of this music she now dances!

2. Snow Suit: It has been getting colder here, and Grace and I love to go outside and walk. As it was getting colder I was a lot more hesitant to take Grace out. Now that we have this we both can go outside and get some fresh air. This is really needed when you are at home all day with no where to go.

3. Elephant Toy: This is the perfect toy! Grace loves this cute, pink elephant! It makes noise, the ears crunch, she can grab it, chew on it and it is super cute! We take this toy everywhere, it is quite the entertainer. 

4. Avent Pacifier: Grace has found a new pacifier. This kind of happened on accident, but I am very glad that we have a second option for a pacifier. This paci she can even grab and hold onto herself. I have even caught her on occasion put it in her own mouth.

5. Rice Cereal: I am glad to announce that since New Years Eve Grace has been sleeping through the night! I believe all due to the cereal. This has been a good brand for us. She still does not love to eat it, but it does fill her up!

I hope this list is helpful to you and your little one. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for next month.


  1. My suggestion would be that she needs to come visit her Aunt Margaret within the near future.

  2. AHH! I can post things now! Great Blog Sis. Love you and Baby Grace!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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