
Happy Birthday Honey

When I was about 15, I wrote a list of what I wanted in a husband. I folded that piece of paper and put it in the back of my Bible. Years went by and from time to time I would look back at that list. When I was 22 I looked at that list for the last time! I knew that I had met the man of my dreams and he met everything on that long list. How could I be so fortunate to be blessed to spend the rest of my life with the best husband and father.

Today the love of my life turns 30. He makes my life, full of laughter, spontaneousness, and completeness. Which is why I wrote him this letter:


Today you turn 30 I can not believe that we have spent the last 5 1/2 years of our lives together. Yet in the grand scheme of things that is really not long at all, but through that time there has been much growth, pain, joy, beauty, tears, laughter, and most of all grace. 

Your humbleness, generosity, and love have not gone unseen. Everyday you teach me more about myself and more about our Savior with your selflessness. It fills me with great joy to do things for you and with you. My dreams and life had a big gap until you came in and filled it up. 

Thank you for always supporting me, putting me first, for putting up with all my imperfections, working a thankless and exhausting job, for being my guardian and protector. Thank you for all your patience and above all else your love for our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to many more birthdays together.

I love you,

Your Wife,



  1. That is so sweet!!

    Do you mind checking out my later post and seeing if there is any way you would like to help? Thanks so much!


  2. So sweet. Sounds like he's a keeper. ;-)

    1. He is very much so! I am very blessed!
      Thanks for stopping by!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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