The last two weekends we have been fortunate enough to have family in town!
Last weekend Grace's Aunt Margaret came in town and Grace was so happy to see her!
We were able to get a lot of running, playing and outside time.
We found a new park to explore.
Then this weekend Grandma came to visit. It is always nice to layback and relax. Grandma and Grace baked a cake on Friday for Michael's upcoming birthday.
Grace loves being in the kitchen, especially when there is food to eat!
After eating all of the cake, Grace needed to play outside and help her daddy cut the grass.
Then Grandma and Grace got some a lot time, so mommy and daddy got to go on a much needed date! (last date was October)
We absolutely love to have family in town and covet the time we get to spend with them.
How sweet is she?!! :)