David Michael's 1st Birthday Party

Since David Micheal's actual birthday was on Thanksgiving Day this year, I decided that we would have his party the weekend before. I don't want his birthday to get lost during the Thanksgiving holiday. We still kept it small with only inviting family this time. We were thankful that a lot of our family was able to come! (Thanks for coming: Grandma, Dan, Uncle Justin, Aunt Jessica, Cousin Luke, Cousin Aveley, Grandmommy, Aunt Callie, Aunt Momo, Aunt Meme, and Aunt Rara.) 

His party was Nautical themed. I hate that I did not take pictures of it all (mom fail!). Thanks to Aunt Rara for taking the ones we do have!

This little boy really loved opening up his presents! He knew just want to do!

 David Michael was not a big fan of the cake at all! I think it was more because his hands got sticky before he even tasted it.

David Michael received a bike from his Gandmommy and Papa and he absolutely loves it! He can't quite ride it by himself yet, but he loves to climb on and off of it by himself.

I used this link to print off some free banners and place cards for all the fun food. We ate catch of the day (goldfish), seaweed dip (spinach dip), sailboats (cantaloupe), blueberry croissant casserole (buried treasure), baked apples in the crockpot (pirates booty), and then for lunch we had vegetable soup with crackers (one of David Micheal's favorite foods).

We also used David Michael's birthday to reveal the gender of our new addition. We told our family the once he smashed his cake they would know the gender. Well... since he didn't want to eat his cake we had to ask for some help from his big sister. 

Everyone now knows that Emma Faith will be joining our family sometime in the spring. We are overjoyed to add another little girl to our family!

We had a wonderful time celebrating David Michael! We are so thankful he is in our family and could not imagine life without him! Even though the beginning of his life was not the easiest, he now fills our house with joy and laughter!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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