
Grace's First Christmas!

Who doesn't love driving around looking at houses outlined in lights, sharing cookies with friends, going to parties, wrapping presents, and snuggling up next to the fire? These are a few reasons why I love Christmas! This year it was just all amplified because of our new addition, Grace.

We began our holiday travel in Eastwood, NC with the McKenzie side of the family. This was such a special time because Michael and I both have grandparents living. We were able to spend Christmas Eve with them! They are both over 90! 

We also got to spend time with Grace's only cousin, Luke. He is a very active, all boy, and three and a half year old! She loves watching him play around Grandma's house. 

I know Christmas is not about the gifts, but this year we were really excited to give Michael's brothers their gift this year. We went to Scotland earlier in the year and bought two real wool McKenzie plaid blankets to bring back for them. I can not believe we actually made it to Christmas without spilling the beans.

We have a tradition every year of going a getting Christmas trees after Thanksgiving. We give our parents trees every year for Christmas presents. We also have a tradition of the Cross girls going shopping the day after Christmas, so for presents for all the Aunts we give them money to go shopping. We started these traditions after we got married because we really wanted gifts that would be relational. 

Late Christmas Eve we drove the two and a half hour long trip to Charlotte, NC to spend the rest of the Holiday with the Cross family. This is such a treat for me because I have four wonderful sisters who literally fight over who gets to hold Grace, change her diaper, play with her, dress her and help with bath time. And of course Grandmommy spoils her rotten!

It was the best Christmas I have ever had! I have two wonderful families that I get to spend the holidays with, and this year I had a new little family to enjoy.

I hope this Christmas you were able to spend time with your family, and most of all able to spend time with our Savior who made all of this possible. 

Merry Christmas

Philippians 2:8-10 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth 


  1. Katie, this is such a sweet blog to stay connected with loved ones. We praise God for your sweet family and God's GRACE!!!
    Hugs to you, Michael and Grace.
    Love, Aunt Kay

    1. Thank you Aunt Kay! Anytime yall want to make the short trip up we would love to see you!

  2. Us girls wonder what we did before Grace. Maybe we should just say BG and AG, (Before Grace or After Grace). Christmas was so much more fun with her in our home. Love, Grandmommy


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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