
Need A Little Advice...

There are still a few items that we have not purchased yet for Grace. Some big things and some little ones. There are just so many choices out there that I want to make sure I get the right ones, and on the other hand not spend too much money on something that isn't necessary. Ok onto the items...

1. Infant spoons- Gerber spoonsBoon SpoonBumbo and Munchkin Spoons
These are a few that I have looked at, but don't even know if it makes a difference or just go with the cheapest?

2. Highchair- Eddie BauerCarters Highchair, and Fisher Price Space Saver Chair
I really love wooden highchairs and wanted to get an antique older chair, however I have been looking for months and not able find one. Now that Grace is eating cereal we really need one!

3. Umbrella stroller- There are so many of these around are there different kinds or are they all pretty much the same?

4. Sippy Cups- Dr BrownNuby No Spill, and Playtex Straw Cup
There are so many different cups to look at! There are ones with handles, no handles, straws, no spill, and grips. I don't want to keep buying cups that she won't use. 

What kind did you use? Did you try different kinds? Currently we have been using the Beech Nut brand and she doesn't like it. Will she like a different kind or not worth it?

Grace is not to the point that she needs teethers yet, but I know that time will sneak up on us before we know it. This might vary from baby to baby, but did your little one have a favorite?

I would appreciate any advice and help on these and any other items you can remember using just leave a comment. Thank you!


  1. I got the "onida" brand spoons but they are tough on his gums right now at 5 months, I would highly suggest the gerber spoons with the rubber on them! We have the space saver highcair from target LOVE IT. you can travel with it, it reclines all the way back, you dont have to have a bunch of extra room for it, I could go on and on. We have the alien vulli teether, same brand as the giraffe, we love it, it can get annoying with the squeaky sound but its awesome. & we use gerber cereal & he has done really well with it.

    1. Thank you Katie, I will always take any advice and can get! Thanks for stopping by!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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