
Home Remodeling

As many of you know we bought our first house at the beginning of the summer. I am absolutely in love with our home! We bought it from a sweet 90 year old woman who kept it very clean. The only thing is she also kept it at a 90 year old woman's taste. Needless to say we needed and still need to do a lot of work. Luckily for me I have a very (and I mean VERY) handy husband!

Before we moved in my husband, Michael, painted everything in the house. (Also with the help of his handy brothers and mom) I mean EVERYTHING! He had to start with ripping down wallpaper and then priming and painting. He painted every room, every ceiling, every molding and all the windows! Unfortunately, I could not help because I was pregnant at the time. I know, I know bummer. :) Painting immediately transformed our home. There was pretty bad eighties wallpaper in every room and it immediately dated everything. Taking down the wallpaper also took out a lot of the old lady smell. (No old ladies don't "smell" but you know what I mean)

Michael also took down all the ugly yellow colored light switch plates and sockets and replaced them with these beautiful white ones. He also put dimmer switches in the living room, dining room and all the bedrooms. I can not tell you how much this has been helpful in Grace's room especially or in the living room while nursing in the middle of the night. I can not express to you how much they changed the rooms immediately! ( I like instant gratification)

The next project we (and when I say "we" I really mean Michael) tackled is the guest bathroom. It began as a room with eighties wall paper again, old coming up lamenate floor, and no character. Michael ripped up the floor, painted the walls, put down this beautiful tile floor, added bead board, base molding and a chair rail. It completely changed the look of the room. Do not get me wrong there are still more things to do like: change the hardware, light fixture, and add towel racks. I love this bathroom now! It makes me happy every time I go in there to give Grace a bath.

Now for the most recent project... My husband gave me the best Christmas present ever! I really mean ever too! I do not know if he will ever be able to top this one. He made me a pantry!!! We had a room in our garage that was only accessible through the garage. He closed off the entrance to the garage and put a door in our mudroom (which is right off the kitchen). Then in order to make the pantry useable he built up the floor height, moved an air went, and built shelves. To make my pantry even more luxurious, he put an outlet in there! Which means I no longer have to display on my counters our ugly appliances (microwave, toaster, toaster oven, bread maker etc.) It was a lot of work, but he is amazing and it looks and functions beautifully now!

This is Michael building up the floor.

This is the finished pantry with a lot of extra room!

I will keep you updated on our home remodeling, but I hope this holds you for a little bit.


  1. Wow Katie! That looks great! Awesome job, Michael! So looking forward to seeing the future changes!

    1. Thank you Heidi! We are trying hard. Maybe one day I will have a post about our doors :) Thank you for inspiring me!

  2. Just found you through the Elm Baby blog and wanted to take a second to say hi :) your home is beautiful and I love that bathroom! My husband built our house himself, so I know how fun/stressful/rewarding big projects like that are!!
    Stop by when you have a minute :)

    1. Thank you so much! We love our home! We bought it from a 90 year old woman who had been living in it for 30 years, so you know we have a lot of work to do, but we enjoy it! We just can not do it all at once like we would like. But like you said it is so rewarding!
      Thanks for stopping by!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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