
31 Weeks

It blows my mind that we are now down to single digits! Only 9 more weeks! In my mind I am mentally preparing myself for less than 9 weeks. If he follows in his sister's footsteps than we only have 7 more weeks!!! (I guess I need to start getting things together)

Weight: On vacation and could care less this week. Just laying around and enjoying some much needed rest time.
Sleep: Well it has been as good as expected. I can fall asleep really early, but then wake up with my hips hurting pretty bad. Because Grace decided she now knows how to climb out of the pack n play I have been going to bed with her to help her stay in bed and fall asleep. Which means I have been falling asleep around 8pm. In turn I wake up for good around 5 and am up for good.
Mileage: Vacation. I am clueless how many miles, but I do know we have been doing a lot of walking.
Miss Anything: Being able to run. This weather has been amazing and that is one thing I love about vacation is being able to run whatever time of the day.
Cravings: Really anything cold. I have been so hot and feel like I can not get cooled off.
Looking Forward: to the rest of the week spending it with my family! It is so nice to finally have sometime where we can focus completely on each other and not think about any other commitments.

1 comment:

Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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