30 Weeks

Home stretch we have arrived! Officially in the 30s! 10 or less weeks to go! (No I am not going to say more because both of my kids so far have come at 38 weeks, so selfishly I am thinking less!) I am so excited to meet our precious Emma!

I started my pre-clinicals for school this week. Thankful my mom and sister came in town to help out with the kids this week so I could log some hours in the classroom. I have been blessed once again with a wonderful, Godly cooperating teacher! I am excited to see what is en-store for us over the next 10 months. (PS then I am done- and have a master's degree!)

My left hip began really bothering me this week. I would be walking and it would just go out on me, so I decided to go to the chiropractor. She fixed me right up and have felt 100% better. It is amazing how quickly my hips got slack on me, especially carrying around a hunk of David Michael.

One of my very best friends, definitely my oldest friend, came to visit this week! She is pregnant with twins! It is so fun being pregnant at the same time. I can't wait for our girls to grow up together.

Weight: 22 lbs. Yes the scale keeps going up. I am glad Emma is healthy, but ready to see the scale go in the opposite direction.
Sleep: Not bad this week. I have hit the sack hard at night after standing all day in the classroom. 
Cravings: Really I can't think of anything this week. As time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to eat due to the fact that there is a baby in the way. I also get indigestion pretty bad even when I just eat a little bit.  
Miss Anything: Being able to move around freely. Just rolling over in the bed seems like quite a feet here lately. 
Looking Forward: to my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I love going and hearing Emma's heartbeat! (the most precious sound in the whole world!)

Here is David Michael at 30 weeks.

Week 29

11 weeks and counting! Last week at my doctor's appointment, my physician told me I had gained too much weight too quickly (which no woman, pregnant or not, ever wants to hear!). With that said I have really been trying to cut back on my food intake, which is easier said than done. I have been successful at not snacking after dinner, even though I wake up in the morning starving! I have continued to walk throughout this pregnancy. With the other two kids I ran too, but I quit running fairly early in this pregnancy due to some bleeding that I was having, nothing was worth that risk! So I have been walking as much as I can and stretch. On the upside I did pass my first glucose test!

The every two week appointments have begun! I enjoy going to the doctor, one because I get to see and hear how my precious Emma is doing, two because Michael stays home with the other two kids so I have an outing all by myself and three it means Emma will be here before we know it! 

Weight: 21 lbs. Along with weight I have started to swell at night too, especially my hands.
Sleep: This week has been pretty good. I really can't complain. When I do have to wake up and use the restroom, Emma usually is awake and keeps me up for a little bit though.
Miss Anything: Being able to wear my winter clothes. It has gotten pretty cold here in the last week and my maternity wardrobe is quite limited, especially in winter clothes.
Cravings: Anything besides water.
Looking Forward: to almost being done! I know I still have 11 weeks to go, but I can see the end is near.

See David Michael at 29 weeks here.

Week 28

Third trimester we have arrived!!! I can see the end is near. This is both overwhelming and exciting at the same time for me. School begins this week for me and I have a lot to get completed before little miss Emma makes her debut. Hard to believe that we only have 12 or fewer weeks left!

Weight: 19 lbs. Not completely happy with this number, but I try to exercise several days a week and eat what I should, so I can't complain. (minus Chic-fil-a)
Sleep: This week has not been the best... Michael was out of town one night which means I don't sleep the entire night.
Miss Anything: Being able to tie my shoes without straining. I have finally reached that point where bending over and maneuvering is becoming much more difficult.
Cravings: Chic-fil-a. Enough said.
Looking Forward: To my appointment tomorrow morning.  I never get tired of hearing Emm'a heartbeat.

Recap of 2015

This year was full yet again, and I would not trade any of it for the world!

The beginning of the year was quite trying with David Michael experiencing breathing problems. We were definitely sleep deprived, but enjoying every minute we were able to hold our precious miracle.

In March we were able to introduce our little boy to both my Grandmother, Mema, and Michael's Grandpa. A sweet time we will never forget, because then later 2015 Grandpa went to go be with His Savior. 

Then in June David Michael began crawling which actually made our lives a little easier, due to the fact that he could move himself to make his breathing easier.

July was a packed month because we moved! Not far down the road, but to a bigger house which we completely love!

In August we celebrated Grace's 3rd birthday! (Where has the time gone!?!? How can my baby be 3!)

October was a wonderful month because we announced that our family was growing!

November was also a celebration month with David Michael turning ONE! 

At the beginning of December Grace ran her first Race. I am so proud of that girl and we are already talking about running her second race in April. 

Thank you for following along with us this year! I can't wait to see what the next year holds, but I know one thing that it will hold and that is the addition of Emma to our family! We are excited beyond words and can't wait to hold another miracle!

Week 27

We have officially arrived at month 7!! Pretty exciting to know that we are getting closer to meeting our little girl! 

Weight: 18 lbs total now. Hard to believe that at the beginning of this pregnancy I could not gain any weight. (definitely not having that problem now!)
Sleep: This week has not been too bad, I just have had some bad dreams. Nothing like I had with David Michael though, those were terrible!
Miss Anything: Carrying David Michael on my hip. These days I have had to be creative with how I carry him around. Hopefully soon he will break out with some walking moves!
Cravings: This week it has been anything cold: cereal, milkshakes, and juice.
Looking Forward: To holding sweet Emma in my arms. I know we have a while longer and I want her to keep growing, but I still can't wait to meet her and kiss her precious face!

Check out David Michael at 27 weeks here.

Top 5 Posts of 2105

 I always enjoy looking over the posts that I have written throughout the year and seeing which ones people are more interested in reading. Here are the top five viewed posts of 2015:

1.  UPdate #3 on David Michael 2-5
2.  Update On David Michael 1-3
3. We are Beyond Blessed 10-5
4. Update #2 on David Michael 1-23
5. Our Weekend 3-3

Thank you all for reading and following along with us! Happy New Year!
Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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