David Michael 15 Months

12 Months Old!
 2ft 7.3 in 55%
24 lbs 8 oz 75%
19.5 in head cir. 99%

- Walking everywhere
- Wears size 18-24 month clothing
- Wears size 4 or 5 diapers
- 12 teeth total, 4 of them being molars
- Loves blowing kisses
- Words: dada, momma, ni ni (night night), yeah and baba (his sippy cup)
- His sister is still his favorite person in the whole world!
- Climbs up the steps without assistance
- Will always dance whenever there is music playing

Check out Grace at 15 months here


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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