My To Do List Before Emma Arrives...

One of my favorite parts of being pregnant is when the nesting starts kicking in! I love to get out the little bitty clothes and look at all the baby stuff as I stroll around Target. I actually have been so overwhelmed with school lately that I have not really gotten a lot accomplished for Emma's arrival yet. We have done a few things, but still have a ways to go before Emma's arrival. I know I still have a lot of school work to accomplish, but I thought it would to good to take a look at what I still need to do before Emma gets here... in 6 weeks!!! (or sooner!!!!)

Things we have done:
- Paint room (Thanks to my amazing, hardworking hubby!)
- Get crib (Thanks to my awesome and amazing friend Brooke!)
- Wash Grace's old clothes
- Buy diapers (Thanks to our most generous life group!)
- Purchase crib sheet & crib skirt
- Fit all three car seats in car
- Bought infant bath mat (My friend Suzanne, which you might remember her... she is pregnant with baby # 3&4) introduced me to these with Grace and they are so helpful and less bulky than a traditional infant bath tub) (you can check out the one I purchased here)
- Gotten "big sister & big brother" shirts (Thanks to my so thoughtful Aunt Kay! Who marked that off my list months ago!!)

Things left to do:
- Set up crib
- Wash infant car seat, stroller, swing & bouncer
- Find coming home outfit for Emma
- Pack hospital bag
- Purchase everything on the list below
- Set up bassinet (Below is a picture of David Michael in the awesome bassinet that our very generous friend Heidi gave us!)

Things still to purchase:
- Dresser
- Car Seat adapter for stroller
- Mirror for car
- Changing pad for dresser and cover
- Diaper Genie for Emma's room
- Cute diaper bag for Emma (with Grace I just used a bag I had lying around and I can always do that again, but I would love an actual diaper bag this time)
- Hamper for Emma's room
- Sound machine for Emma's room (To drown out her brother and sister, which might be a lost cause? But one can hope!)
- Gate for bottom of stairs/ hallway
- Curtains (To keep that baby sleeping!)
- Tire for jogger stroller (since it became flat last week?!?!?)

Who knows if all this will get done, but at least now I have it written out. I am a list person and love to mark things off as I go along. So thankful though that with baby #3 there is a lot less to prepare for. I am growing more excited for her arrival with each passing day!



Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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