A Very Inspring Blog Award!!!

I am so excited to announce that I have been given 
Very Inspiring Blogger Award 
from my blogging friend Chandelle over at Mommy In The Making. I started my blog for somewhat of a journal and then it has now become a journal for others to keep up with our ever changing life and baby girl!

So the rules are…
  • Display award logo on blog
  • Link back to the person who gave you the award
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link back to them and comment on each of the blog’s letting them know they have been nominated

7 Things About Me:

1. One of the best things about me is my beautiful little girl, Grace. She is 8 months old and the joy of my life! She keeps me very busy and I love every minute of it!

2. I had never broken a bone in my life until giving birth and upon making her appearance in this world Grace broke my tailbone. Apparently it happens sometimes.

3. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother, for a grand total of 5 kids. BUT... because I am so blessed I now have 5 sisters and 4 brothers! Thanks for marriage I was given an even bigger family and I love every minute of it!

4. I have been married to the best husband in the world for 5 1/2 years!!! I can not wait to see what is in store for us! We grew up in the same town, but did not meet until both of us had graduated from college. We fell in love in Africa and then through snail mail. 

5. I had been dreaming of buying a home for years and we finally bought our first home a year ago this month!

6. I LOVE to run!!! I have now run 7 marathons and dream of one day running one in every state with the help of my husband.

7. We have the best dog in the world, Addis. My husband, Michael, got her for me right after we got married. He was working a job where he traveled a lot and he surprised me with her to keep me company. I was so mad at him, but now I could not live without her. She is very well behaved and wonderful with Grace.

Also nominated for the Very Inspiring Blog Award:

Blogging Woes...

When I starting writing this blog I did not tell anyone what I had begun. Not because I was ashamed or scared, more that it was a place to share, vent, connect and just feel. Then lately it has become more of a place for approval. I guess the approval of "friends". I say it like that because I follow blogs and feel as if I know the person who is writing. In a sense I do, but that doesn't mean that they know me. It is more of a one sided friendship. Sometimes it doesn't feel like my new "friends" are even real. Us bloggers tend to only write the positives and what everyone else wants to read. I mean that is how you make a successful blog right? However, that is not why I write my blog. I want to be a real person. 

Making friends is hard. I know that because I am one of the worlds worst at making relationships. You see, I am not good at talking on the phone, I hate to be surprised, spontaneity is not a gift of mine, and even though I try to be brave, I'm not.

We have lived in Anderson now for 9 months. In those months, I do not have anyone I can call up to go visit. It is not from lack of trying. Even though I am not good at a lot of things, I have been trying. I have delivered baby presents to new moms I never even met before, I have attended small groups with people I had never met, I have introduced myself to neighbors, and talked to complete strangers in the supermarket. Don't get me wrong, I have the absolute best friend in my amazing husband, but unfortunately he is very busy.

When you find a good friend hang on to them. Miles make things hard, but don't let them go. They are rare. You see I do have some good friends, but the closest one is hours away. I miss them. So that is why I blog today.

Food Time

We have been eating baby food for two months now and Grace is doing very well. Her favorite foods are peas and avocados. We are still trying a lot of new foods and it is so much fun to see her try them!
Foods we have tried include: green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, avocados, butternut squash, corn, apples, plums, prunes, bananas, and grapes. Are there foods that your little one loves that we should try next?

Happy Birthday Honey

When I was about 15, I wrote a list of what I wanted in a husband. I folded that piece of paper and put it in the back of my Bible. Years went by and from time to time I would look back at that list. When I was 22 I looked at that list for the last time! I knew that I had met the man of my dreams and he met everything on that long list. How could I be so fortunate to be blessed to spend the rest of my life with the best husband and father.

Today the love of my life turns 30. He makes my life, full of laughter, spontaneousness, and completeness. Which is why I wrote him this letter:


Today you turn 30 I can not believe that we have spent the last 5 1/2 years of our lives together. Yet in the grand scheme of things that is really not long at all, but through that time there has been much growth, pain, joy, beauty, tears, laughter, and most of all grace. 

Your humbleness, generosity, and love have not gone unseen. Everyday you teach me more about myself and more about our Savior with your selflessness. It fills me with great joy to do things for you and with you. My dreams and life had a big gap until you came in and filled it up. 

Thank you for always supporting me, putting me first, for putting up with all my imperfections, working a thankless and exhausting job, for being my guardian and protector. Thank you for all your patience and above all else your love for our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to many more birthdays together.

I love you,

Your Wife,


New Things We Have Tried...

Guess who has a tooth?!?! Thats right!!! Grace has her first tooth!!! So far she has been a perfect teether. You really would not even know she is teething. Of course this is just the first tooth, so I might regret saying this one day. 

We have been trying some new things though...

Grace has her first sippy cup It took a couple hours for her to figure out how to get the water to come out, but once she did, she did not stop drinking. I just keep putting a couple ounces of water in it for her to drink and learn. I was really impressed with how quickly she picked it up. I just bought this cup from Target because it was one sale. Anyone have a favorite that they want to share?

Grace tried fruit for the first time too! She loved it! Since she was teething I bought some Food Feeders.  We put a few grapes in the nets and she knew what to do immediately! Lets just say it was a success and we will be using these a lot in the future!

One of Grace's friends gave her some teethers and she double fits these! It is so cute! She will gnaw on these for quite some time. 

We have also been exploring puffs. I can say she tolerates them. She would rather just carry them around in her hands them sit there and really eat them. 

Everyday is a new day with this little one, and I can not wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!!!

Old Friends

This weekend we were so blessed to be able to spend time with old friends. 

These are two of the very special people. They are great Godly examples, funny, up for anything,  and put up with living beside us for years. We were very sad the day they moved away, but happy for what God was doing in their lives. 

We had a wonderful weekend filled with sun, walks, settlers board game, BBQ, basketball and great conversations!

We hope they come back very soon!

Our Easter Weekend...

Our weekend began on Saturday morning. We had already loaded and packed the car on Friday night, so when we woke up in the morning we just had to get ready and grab the last minute items and hit the road. We spend Easter with the McKenzie family each year. Grandma lives just far enough away that no matter what time we leave, we still have to stop somewhere and have a nursing session. Needless to say, it is not the quickest or easiest trip. We arrived just in time for lunch. 

Shortly after lunch we had a little Easter egg hunt. It was a beautiful day and perfect for spending all afternoon outside! 

We ate our big Easter meal Saturday night with friends and family. Grandma is such a wonderful cook! She made: fried chicken, boston butt, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, lima beans, deviled eggs, corn bread, applesauce, pickled beets, lemon meringue pie, german chocolate cake and pound cake. (all homemade!) It was pretty evident that after dinner we could not move!

Grace with her Great Grandpa

Grace and her Great Grandma

Sunday we headed to church. Grace looked so beautiful is her smocked dress! This was the first dress I bought when I found out that we were having a girl. I was waiting for a special occasion for her to wear!

After church and  lots of leftovers we needed to go outside and move. We headed to one of my old stomping grounds and went for a 6 mile run. It felt so good, and was perfect weather!

Monday and Tuesday was spent hanging out with family and friends! We had the best weekend we have had in a long time!

My good friend Suzanne and Grace's friend Mackenzie

Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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