Grace is changing so much these days! Everyday we tell each other that this is the most fun age. She is full of personality, so silly and totally entertaining!
1. Big Girl Car Seat- I am so glad we FINALLY got this car seat. We kept putting it off, but I know she feels so much better in it and I feel better. We originally were not going to get this particular style or brand, but so happy with it now! Very easy to use, incredibly safe, soft, stylist and gives you a great peace of mind. And I was VERY over carrying that heavy car seat everywhere!
2. Highchair- I am so proud of my craigslist find. I had been looking for a highchair since before Grace was born, and finally we have one! I am so glad I held out to get the one I wanted!
3. Outlet Covers- Grace has been very curious about the outlets now that she is pulling up on EVERYTHING! (even the wall)
4. Safety Gate- Now that Grace is completely all the time on the GO... This is literally a lifesaver! I had a fear that she was going to pull up on the oven door and fall in. Now she can not get into the kitchen, pantry, or mudroom. This also allowed us to save and not have to baby proof the kitchen, this one piece took care of it all!
5. Pool- She LOVES this pool! We could sit outside all day.
6. Sunscreen- Well if you sit outside all day in the pool you will need a lot of sunscreen.
7. Swing- Grace laughs every time she gets in here and I will never get tired of that sound.
8. Faucet Cover- Grace loves taking baths and she becomes a wild woman in there! She will move all over that tub, so this becomes a lifesaver.
9. Books- We sit and read books throughout the day and Grace loves them! She knows how to turn the pages because she loves to see what is next.
10. Food Feeders- These have been really good to introduce different fruits and veggies.
I hope this will help you as your little one grow!