Month 8-9 Must Haves

Grace is changing so much these days! Everyday we tell each other that this is the most fun age. She is full of personality, so silly and totally entertaining!

1. Big Girl Car Seat- I am so glad we FINALLY got this car seat. We kept putting it off, but I know she feels so much better in it and I feel better. We originally were not going to get this particular style or brand, but so happy with it now! Very easy to use, incredibly safe, soft, stylist and gives you a great peace of mind. And I was VERY over carrying that heavy car seat everywhere!

2. Highchair- I am so proud of my craigslist find. I had been looking for a highchair since before Grace was born, and finally we have one! I am so glad I held out to get the one I wanted!

3. Outlet Covers- Grace has been very curious about the outlets now that she is pulling up on EVERYTHING! (even the wall)

4. Safety Gate- Now that Grace is completely all the time on the GO... This is literally a lifesaver! I had a fear that she was going to pull up on the oven door and fall in. Now she can not get into the kitchen, pantry, or mudroom. This also allowed us to save and not have to baby proof the kitchen, this one piece took care of it all!

5. Pool- She LOVES this pool! We could sit outside all day.

6. Sunscreen- Well if you sit outside all day in the pool you will need a lot of sunscreen.

7. Swing- Grace laughs every time she gets in here and I will never get tired of that sound.

8. Faucet Cover- Grace loves taking baths and she becomes a wild woman in there! She will move all over that tub, so this becomes a lifesaver. 

9. Books- We sit and read books throughout the day and Grace loves them! She knows how to turn the pages because she loves to see what is next. 

10. Food Feeders- These have been really good to introduce different fruits and veggies. 

I hope this will help you as your little one grow! 

How Craigslist, Yard Sales, & Consignment Sales Have Helped Me:

As many of you know I am cheap thrifty. I love a deal and a great bargain! I cut coupons for about anything: groceries, restaurants, baby products (even Grace's big girl car seat) and anything that has a coupon! I also do not mind having used things. 

Before Grace was born, I hit the yard sales every Saturday. I found a lot of great things for her: Jenny Jump Up $5, Infantinio Carrier $3, Baby Clothes $0.25-$1.00, Lincoln Logs $2, Dr Seuss Books $0.25, diaper bag $1.00 and many more odds and ends.

Another great place to find bargains are children consignment sales. I have bought toys $1.00, fisher price piano $1.50, clothes, hats, socks, and shoes.

Where I think I have saved the most money is searching Craigslist. This can be a hit or miss with some items and it does take time, but for me it has been worth it! Things we have purchased include: Grace's 2 dressers (free Grandmommy & Grandpa), highchair $20, & safety gate $50.

If you were doing the math... that is a savings of...   $941.54!!!!!!!!

I hope this will encourage you that having a baby doesn't have to be as expensive as you think! Don't misunderstand me... It is still VERY expensive, but there are ways to save a dollar here and there.

Month 8-9 Schedule

Our schedule has been pretty consistent. We had the same schedule for months 4-7 and when Grace turned 8 months old I was a little hesitant to switch things up because we had a good thing going, but I really wanted to drop a nursing session so it had to be changed. This is our new schedule:

6:30- Our day begins when Grace wakes up. She is so sweet when she wakes up! She will play and sing in her crib really until one of us gets up to get her. During the week Grace's daddy will wake up when she does and put her in her bouncy seat in our bathroom and let her play while he gets ready.

7:30- Nurse

8:00- I pump to have milk for her cereal or anything else she will need it for.

8:45- Baby Food. This is Grace's first solid food for the day.

9:30- Nap. This nap could be 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hrs. This is my blogging, cleaning, folding, vacuuming, and dishes time. I attempt to get as much done as I can before she beings to sing :)

11:00- Nurse

11:15- Run. I pack up Grace in the jogging stroller and head out. I usually fix grace a little snack and sippy cup with water for her to have while we are out.

12:45- Baby Food. Grace eats more solid food and I grab lunch while she is eating too! I love sitting down at the table with my little girl.

1:45- Nap. This nap varies from 30 minutes to 2 hrs.

3:15- Nurse.

5:30- Baby Food. Last solid food for the day.

7:15- Bath Time. Grace loves baths and could literally stay in there as long as I would let her.

7:30- Nurse. She usually will nurse to sleep, but if not I will put her in her crib around 8:00.

8:00- Bedtime.

Of course the only thing I did not mention is PLAY TIME! We play any chance we get! 

Now it is Mommy and Daddy time!

My First Mother's Day

My wonderful family really gave me a Mother's Day Weekend! I am so blessed! 

Our weekend began early on Saturday with our First Family Race! I love to run, so there was no better way than to start off "my" weekend with a race. The best part was that the race was sponsored by Chic-Fil-A which happens to be one of my most favorite places to eat! 

After the race I got to choose where we went out to lunch, which if you know us we never go out to eat so this was a special treat! I decided on Chilis! (I can eat my weight in chips!) The afternoon was filled with playtime and resting! I even got a package in the mail from my giving sister, Margaret. Finished the day off with a big milkshake! I thought I could not have a better day...

Until Sunday morning I woke up with a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, grapes and roses. My wonderful husband and Grace had make breakfast and picked roses for me before I even woke up! 

Before going to church we had a little mother daughter photo shoot. 

After church we ran into Subway picked up a sandwich and headed home for a picnic in the backyard. 

I think she is ready to eat?!?!

When I think about this sweet little girl and being her mom, I am just in awe of her. I am so thankful for God letting me take care of her for this season. 

I love being your mom Grace.

Our First Family Race

Today we ran our first family race! We were fortunate enough to have the sun shining, a nice breeze, wonderful sponsor, and a great course! Michael pushed Grace and I ran along giving it everything I had! (I have not run that fast for a year and a half) 

I am so very grateful for the best husband in the world who also enjoys my passion! I can not wait for the next one!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Celebration Weekend!

This past weekend we had the honor was watching my sister, Margaret, graduate from Covenant College. Margaret is a very talented and devoted student and athlete. While at covenant she not only completed a major in psychology and a minor in coaching, she also played basketball and soccer. She was named player of the week twice in soccer and 4 times in basketball. She was all regional in both sports multiple times! All this while being a camp counselor in the summer. She is one of the most caring and beautiful people I know and I am more than proud of her! 

It was so wonderful to have the entire family together, rarely does that happen. Even though the weekend was raining and dreary we were celebrating!

Congratulations Margaret!!!

Bottom Problems

This past week sadly we have been dealing with a diaper rash. :( I hate it!!! I feel like such a bad mom. Thankfully it doesn't really affect Grace until it is time to change her diaper. This is her second diaper rash in her life. So needless to say we have tried a lot of different products. 

We have tried:

1. Butt Paste- 
 2. Aquaphor ointment-
3. Maximum strength Desitin-
4. Original Desitin-
4. Organic Coconut Oil-
5. Maalox-
6. Presciption 1-2-3 Paste-

Now for the things that ACTUALLY works: 

1. Aveeno Bath Treatment- I would put her in the bath for 15-30 minutes and just let her play and heal her pitiful little bottom.
2. Triple Paste- On the label for this ointment it says, "For use when all the other ointments don't work". That is so true! It did the trick! It is expensive, but I don't care if it keeps my little girls bottom pain free!

I hope this will help you and your little one form much pain. Please share your tips for preventing diaper rash and your favorite creams. Because of course you want to be able to see this smiling face!

Oh Motherhood-

I have been putting Grace to sleep on her stomach since she was 3 months old.

I nurse her to sleep every night.

I do not go get her in the middle of the night when she wakes up.

I do not have a video monitor.

Addis (the dog) licks Grace on her face.

Grace will drop her paci in the house and I just put it in my mouth to clean it off.

We do not have a wipe warmer and thankfully Grace is used to having cold wipes. (Which I mostly use homemade wipes so it is actually cold water)

After a few days of following the 4 day rule of feeding, I threw in the towel.

I have never gotten a hair brush for Grace, so I have never brushed her hair.

I have a bumper on Grace's crib and actually believe it has been GOOD for her safety.

Sometimes I nurse Grace after running and before taking a shower. She doesn't complain.

Up until a few weeks ago Grace still nursed every 3 hrs.

Now it is your turn- What do you let your kids do that you are not "suppose" to let them do? Fortunately, we are all moms and do what we think is best!

Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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