36 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

This week the swelling has hit in full swing! I am swelling daily in my hands, face, feet, ankles and even calves. My wedding rings had to come off due to the swelling too. I hate it when that day comes, however, it came a lot later with Emma than it did with the other two, but I think the time of year has a lot to do with that.

I have been able to get several things done for Emma this week: her crib is made, the car seat is washed and ready to go, the swing is washed, her Uncle Elliott and Aunt Brittany bought her a diaper genie for her room, the crib is set up in her room and all her sweet little clothes are washed and hanging in her closet.

Weight: 34 lbs.
Sleep: I am getting up about every two hours these days. Thankful for my wonderful husband who has been letting me sleep when I can.
Cravings: This week it has been a tie between Mexican cheese and sushi.  These quite possibly are my two favorite foods, so it is not the easiest for me to give up for 9 long months.
Miss Anything: This week I am just missing being myself. It takes me twice as long to get anything accomplished. I am usually a very productive person, but there is a lot of the day that all I want to do is just sit down, which is not like me at all.
Looking Forward: to my appointment tomorrow! Usually at 36 weeks they will check to see if I have progressed any and I am very anxious to see if I have or not?!?!

Check out David Michael at 36 weeks here.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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