Grace's First Dance Recital

My little dancer had her very first recital. This momma was so very proud! She has grown so much and looks forward to dance school every week.

Dance was a reward for Grace growing up and wearing big girl panties all the time. As soon as she had the goal of dance, she was successfully potty trained in about a week. 

 Grace loved her teachers and the girls in her class (sometimes a little too much, because she would get in trouble for trying to sit too close to them or kiss them).

For her recital she got a new outfit and was so excited to wear makeup!

We were so grateful that her Grandmommy and Papa were able to come and see her perform! Also for her Aunt Momo who watched David Michael so Michael and I could really watch Grace.

 Grace did such a great job in the performance! I can't wait to see her grow and continue to be the "princess" she will always be to her daddy and I.

David Michael 18 Months

David Michael is 18 months old!
26lbs 5oz 78%
2ft 8.5 in 55%
  20in head cir. 99%

- 16 teeth
- Now wearing size 2T shirts & 18 month shorts/pants
- Knows where his belly button, ear, mouth, eye and feet are located
- Still loving anything with music and dancing!
- Wants to do anything outside
- Can say: Momma, Dadda, Thank you, Amen and uh oh
- Wears size 5 diapers
- Climbs everything
- Loves to mow the grass with his daddy
- Loves balls, trucks, and airplanes
- Loves to eat: pretzels, pouches, pizza, strawberries, muffins, spaghetti & oatmeal 
- Still sleeps with his paci
- The BEST brother EVER!!

Grace 18 months

Momma 6 Week Update

6 weeks postpartum is a difficult place and time for me. Each pregnancy I tell myself that I am not going to gain too much weight and stick to around a 25 pound gain. Well... each time I have well exceeded that number. Pregnancy #1 I gained 50 lbs, pregnancy #2 I gained 38 lbs and then pregnancy #3 I gained 41 lbs. With pregnancy #1 it took me 5 1/2 months to loose the weight, pregnancy #2 it took 6 months (I had been my original weight for only a couple weeks before finding out that Emma was coming), so now statistically I know that it is going to take me months before I will be able to wear my clothes again, but it still is a difficult time for me.

Currently I have 17 more pounds to loose, but that does mean I have lost 24 lbs. I know that the weight will not just fall off like I desire, but it will take hard work and discipline. I sometimes forget what I currently look like until I look in a mirror and am reminded that I need to put in the work.

The last two weeks I have walked on the treadmill for four days out of seven. I really do feel a lot better when I am able to exercise. I would love to be able to walk every day, but with three kiddos around I do the best I can. The last three week I have lost a pound a week. I wish this trend would keep up, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Thankfully I was cleared yesterday to begin running again slowly!

Here is to hard work and discipline!

Emma 1 Month

Emma has grown so much this past month! She is mostly wearing 0-3 month or 3 month clothes now. She is wearing size 1 diapers. She is now eating every 3 hours during the day (7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, & 7pm). Night feedings are a little different, she generally will go from 7pm to 11 or 12pm and then eat every 2 hours after that; which usually equals momma feeding her 4-5 times during the night. 
She generally takes a good nap on her belly after her 1pm feeding, and her other naps are really random.  She doesn't really care for the swing, bouncer or play mat unless she is asleep; otherwise she wants to be held. She is still a very fast eater, which really helps her momma out when her big brother is getting into everything. She has really been struggling with silent reflux; I have been giving her ranitidine, but I'm not sure if it is making a difference. I think she would definitely be a much better sleeper at night if she was not struggling with reflux. Generally she is a really happy baby and we are so glad that God has blessed us with this precious angel!

David Michael 1 month here

Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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