Week 26

 I can't believe that this is the last week in the second trimester! Wow has time flown by! However, I can definitely feel that the end in near. The dreaded braxton hicks began this week, I don't know if it was due to stress or it was just time for them to begin? I am going to be honest for a little bit... this week was extremely difficult because some individuals who I really want to be excited for Emma's arrival have shown zero excitement or interest in her. This literally breaks this pregnant momma's heart. I know I should not let things get to me, but I can not help it. I guess not only when difficult times hit, but also when the best times hit you find out who really loves you. Thankfully I have a wonderful group of friends who have been very generous and loving and excited for us!

Weight: 13 lbs. Christmas and Grandma's cooking did not do me any favors this week.
Sleep: This week was a little different because we were out of town for two nights. So I have have good nights and bad nights. Emma does like to start kicking right as I lay down though. She is getting stronger everyday!
Miss Anything: I miss feeling comfortable. It doesn't matter what I am wearing or the way I am laying of sitting being completely comfortable no longer exists. Believe me I am NOT complaining! I love knowing that our precious little girl is growing and getting stronger.
Cravings: Really the only this this week has been anything to drink besides water. I am so over just drinking water. I try not to drink things with caffeine or a lot of sugar such as juice, but this week I just had to drink something besides water.
Looking Forward: I am looking forward to officially saying we are on the home stretch!

More Pinterest Recipes

I realized it has been a while since I have posted any recipes. I have been actually cooking a lot recently and really enjoying it. Maybe it is Emma that is loving the taste of new food or the holiday season that has inspired new smells? Whatever it is, I have really loved some new recipes to add to my collection. My go to place to look for new recipes is Pinterest. I have a board named "Things I have Made" and every time I try a new recipe I put it under my board so I can recall back to the recipe if I want to again, or if I really don't want to.

Here are a few new recipes that my family have really enjoyed:

Main Dishes:
Garlic Parmesan Pasta- I add to this dish shrimp and peas. This is one delicious one pot dinner!
Crockpot Beef and Cheese Pasta- This is also a one pot dinner. This pot has spinach, beef and cheese all in one dish so no need for any other dishes to get dirty. This is even easier because it is all in the crockpot.
Fontina Pork Chops- This dish is a lot more complicated. So don't make this unless you have time and an evening free, but so worth the time! I have been adding asparagus or green beans and mashed potatoes with this dinner! (my mouth is watering thinking about it!)
Salmon and Slaw- This is one of our favorite fish recipes. We even make this "slaw" to add to other dishes!

Sprinkle Cookies- Grace loved these cookies because of all the sprinkles! These cookies would be great for any holiday just change out the sprinkles being used. This is also a VERY easy cookie recipe.

Cutout Cookies- This was a pretty good cutout cookie recipe. Nothing special, but they turned out very pretty! (Grace decorated them all by herself!)

Homemade Ginger Snaps- Ginger snaps are Micheal's favorite cookie, so we had to give this one a try. These turned out PERFECT! We WILL be making these again. The only thing is you have to make these cookies small, for some reason they bake better this way. (I think "Santa" has even requested these cookies this year)
Baked Apples- In our house we call these "sugar apples". Grace absolutely loves these! I don't mind making them either because you just dump the ingredients in the crockpot. The added bonus is that these make the house smell gloriously like fall and winter!

Baked Omelet- This recipe is so easy and delicious! I have altered the recipes to add three entire peppers, an entire onion and a steak of ham. I feel like this adds a little more veggies. We have been having this for dinner and then the added bonus is there is always leftovers and we have breakfast the next morning! My kids aren't the biggest fans, but they don't have much of a choice (haha).

Hope this makes your meal planning this week a little more exciting! I would love for you to leave, in the message section, a new recipe that your family loves! Happy Cooking!

Week 24

111 days left! I had my doctor appointment this morning. Pretty uneventful, but that is always good because that means momma and baby are healthy. I always love being able to hear Emma's precious heartbeat! 

Weight: 9 lbs. This was difficult to write this week! I definitely don't have a difficult with my appetite anymore!
Sleep: This week has been difficult. I just keep waking up with my hips hurting. I know it is due to my weight gain and Emma's weight gain.
Miss Anything: Running. This week I definitely feel bigger and desperately just want to feel like myself again and slip into my running shoes and go for an hour or so. Nothing makes me feel like myself more than that!
Cravings: Definitely salty things this week. Which also probably help my weight. French fries, popcorn and crackers.
Looking Forward: to Christmas! I still have a few last minute things to make, but other than that I am completely ready and excited about Christmas day with my wonderful family of 5!

Check out David Michael at 24 weeks here.

Ear Infections... YUCK!

Poor David Michael has his first ear infection. He has had a cold for about a week, but woke up last night, not just crying but screaming. Neither his daddy nor I could get him to calm down. At that point we decided that it was time to call the doctor first thing in the morning. We headed out the door at 8:15 to go see our wonderful doctor, Dr. Stone. Sure enough, David Michael has his first ear infection. They immediately gave him a shot of antibiotics along with medicine for the next ten days and numbing ear drops. Poor little guy cried after his shot for about fifteen minutes, broke my heart to pieces. Hopefully these meds are going to make a difference soon! I hate to see my little baby in pain. My prayer is that this is not a trend with David Michael, his daddy was notorious at his age for continual ear infections.

Side note- he gained in entire pound since his 1 year old appointment, the boy likes to eat! 

Visit with Santa

Over the weekend we took the kids to see Santa. Grace really wanted Santa to know what she wanted for Christmas, but she was still a little unsure about sitting on his lap. I had zero expectations that she actually would sit on Santa's lap. Much to my surprise she hopped right up on his lap and immediately told him that she wanted a mermaid. (Which I have no idea where the mermaid came from, but she seriously has been saying that for a couple months now. She has never seen the movie, but that is what she has been saying that she was going to ask Santa for.)

These are precious pictures I will treasure for the rest of my life!

These kids had to wait in line for a long time, but they were so patient. Grace won a Christmas teddy bear which she was so thrilled about. It was a fun family morning of time together!

Week 23

Hard to believe we are already this far! She will be here before we know it! 

Weight: 7lbs. Those cookies Grace and I have been cooking are definitely making their appearance.
Sleep: This week has not been bad at all. I have just been more tired this week than normal, but we have been quite busy this week.
Miss Anything: A good old sandwich with sandwich meat on it! I am so tired of trying to eat salad and leftovers for lunch. I just want to make a sandwich!
Cravings: This week I have to say pizza! I have wanted to eat pizza just for about every meal. Thankfully we did have it one night and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Looking forward: Finishing my last exam tonight for this semester! I can not wait to have this exam behind me! I am sooooo ready for a break from school! This semester has really overwhelmed me and drained all my energy and joy.

Check out David Michael at 23 weeks here.

Grace's Parade

Grace was in her first parade over the weekend!! She was the cutest little reindeer I have ever seen! Grace's dance studio was participating in the Christmas parade, all the little girls looked so cute with their little tutus on!

I got to walk the parade with her watching her wave to all the people! She had so much fun, but I think was a little overwhelmed by all the people staring at her!

Love being this little girls momma!

Grace's First Race!!!

So proud of my little running girl! Ever since Micheal's marathon back in July, Grace has been asking to run in a race like her daddy. Of course there were stipulations... she wanted to get a "necklace" aka a medal, a shirt and some food. Well we found her a one mile race to run with her daddy. Michael and Grace ran the YMCA reindeer run.

Grace ran the entire mile without stopping! She finished just under 14 minutes. I could not be more proud of my running girl!

Of course the race was made even better when she received free chic fil a for finishing!

Unfortunately the race did not pass out medals to those who just finished, you had to win in order to receive a medal, thankfully her mommy won her age group two years ago and had a medal to give her. However, this meant her daddy needed to win his age group in the 5K to get a medal for her next year... Her daddy came through for her! Now next year she will have a medal when she finishes!

Can't wait to see this girl grow up into a running girl!

Registry for Baby #3

Thankfully for Emma we don't need nearly as much as we did for Grace or David Michael. There are a few things though that we will purchase that will make life easier.

Here is the link for my registry or at babylist.com. I found a website that is awesome! You find things on the internet and it finds different stores that sell the item and lists the prices, this way you and your friends can find the cheapest place to purchase the item. This is also really convenient because a lot of our family is out of town and might not have a baby store near by, but they can order the item via the internet, or maybe the item is located at a store near them and they can go and pick it up!

Here is the link to my registry-  http://babyli.st/katie-mckenzie

22 Weeks

We have made it to month 6!!! I have been starting to feel more movement here recently too! Feeling Emma move is the best part of being pregnant! I love to know that she is growing and moving!

Weight: +4.5 lbs. I defintely feel that we are both growing! My clothes are definitely tighter and other than a few big sweat shirts and seat pants it is maternity clothes from here on out.
Sleep: So much better this week with Michael back! David Michael even slept till 6:30am one morning!
Miss Anything: Walking up the stairs without getting out of breath. This is the first time I have lived with stairs while pregnant. Huge adjustment and definitely makes me feel completely out of shape.
Cravings: This week definitely anything liquid: water, soda, and juice.
Looking Forward: Christmas! Our house is slowly being transformed by the holiday season! Love being a mom during the holidays, they are so much better with kids! Even though our Christmas tree is barricaded from a certain little one year old, it still makes the season bright!

You can check out David Michael at 22 weeks here.

David Michael's 1st Birthday Party

Since David Micheal's actual birthday was on Thanksgiving Day this year, I decided that we would have his party the weekend before. I don't want his birthday to get lost during the Thanksgiving holiday. We still kept it small with only inviting family this time. We were thankful that a lot of our family was able to come! (Thanks for coming: Grandma, Dan, Uncle Justin, Aunt Jessica, Cousin Luke, Cousin Aveley, Grandmommy, Aunt Callie, Aunt Momo, Aunt Meme, and Aunt Rara.) 

His party was Nautical themed. I hate that I did not take pictures of it all (mom fail!). Thanks to Aunt Rara for taking the ones we do have!

This little boy really loved opening up his presents! He knew just want to do!

 David Michael was not a big fan of the cake at all! I think it was more because his hands got sticky before he even tasted it.

David Michael received a bike from his Gandmommy and Papa and he absolutely loves it! He can't quite ride it by himself yet, but he loves to climb on and off of it by himself.

I used this link to print off some free banners and place cards for all the fun food. We ate catch of the day (goldfish), seaweed dip (spinach dip), sailboats (cantaloupe), blueberry croissant casserole (buried treasure), baked apples in the crockpot (pirates booty), and then for lunch we had vegetable soup with crackers (one of David Micheal's favorite foods).

We also used David Michael's birthday to reveal the gender of our new addition. We told our family the once he smashed his cake they would know the gender. Well... since he didn't want to eat his cake we had to ask for some help from his big sister. 

Everyone now knows that Emma Faith will be joining our family sometime in the spring. We are overjoyed to add another little girl to our family!

We had a wonderful time celebrating David Michael! We are so thankful he is in our family and could not imagine life without him! Even though the beginning of his life was not the easiest, he now fills our house with joy and laughter!
Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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