David Michael 15 Months

12 Months Old!
 2ft 7.3 in 55%
24 lbs 8 oz 75%
19.5 in head cir. 99%

- Walking everywhere
- Wears size 18-24 month clothing
- Wears size 4 or 5 diapers
- 12 teeth total, 4 of them being molars
- Loves blowing kisses
- Words: dada, momma, ni ni (night night), yeah and baba (his sippy cup)
- His sister is still his favorite person in the whole world!
- Climbs up the steps without assistance
- Will always dance whenever there is music playing

Check out Grace at 15 months here

34 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

This week I officially feel BIG! I am even getting to the point where some of my maternity clothes are no longer fitting. I know I still have a few weeks left, but I feel as big as I was when I gave birth to Grace and David Michael. I really hope she isn't bigger than them!

Went to the doctor this week and found out that Emma is definitely head down! That makes this momma happy!

Weight: 29 lbs.
Sleep: This week has been rough, between David Michael getting some new teeth and Michael camping and having some work trips I have not had a lot of sleep. You can probably tell from the picture, that picture was taken before even the sun came up and all I wanted to do was go back to bed!
Cravings: This week has definitely been cereal. A nice big bowl of cold cereal.
Miss Anything: Being able to hold and carry David Michael.
Looking Forward: Marking all the things off of my "to do" list before Emma's arrival. (you can check out my list here)

My To Do List Before Emma Arrives...

One of my favorite parts of being pregnant is when the nesting starts kicking in! I love to get out the little bitty clothes and look at all the baby stuff as I stroll around Target. I actually have been so overwhelmed with school lately that I have not really gotten a lot accomplished for Emma's arrival yet. We have done a few things, but still have a ways to go before Emma's arrival. I know I still have a lot of school work to accomplish, but I thought it would to good to take a look at what I still need to do before Emma gets here... in 6 weeks!!! (or sooner!!!!)

Things we have done:
- Paint room (Thanks to my amazing, hardworking hubby!)
- Get crib (Thanks to my awesome and amazing friend Brooke!)
- Wash Grace's old clothes
- Buy diapers (Thanks to our most generous life group!)
- Purchase crib sheet & crib skirt
- Fit all three car seats in car
- Bought infant bath mat (My friend Suzanne, which you might remember her... she is pregnant with baby # 3&4) introduced me to these with Grace and they are so helpful and less bulky than a traditional infant bath tub) (you can check out the one I purchased here)
- Gotten "big sister & big brother" shirts (Thanks to my so thoughtful Aunt Kay! Who marked that off my list months ago!!)

Things left to do:
- Set up crib
- Wash infant car seat, stroller, swing & bouncer
- Find coming home outfit for Emma
- Pack hospital bag
- Purchase everything on the list below
- Set up bassinet (Below is a picture of David Michael in the awesome bassinet that our very generous friend Heidi gave us!)

Things still to purchase:
- Dresser
- Car Seat adapter for stroller
- Mirror for car
- Changing pad for dresser and cover
- Diaper Genie for Emma's room
- Cute diaper bag for Emma (with Grace I just used a bag I had lying around and I can always do that again, but I would love an actual diaper bag this time)
- Hamper for Emma's room
- Sound machine for Emma's room (To drown out her brother and sister, which might be a lost cause? But one can hope!)
- Gate for bottom of stairs/ hallway
- Curtains (To keep that baby sleeping!)
- Tire for jogger stroller (since it became flat last week?!?!?)

Who knows if all this will get done, but at least now I have it written out. I am a list person and love to mark things off as I go along. So thankful though that with baby #3 there is a lot less to prepare for. I am growing more excited for her arrival with each passing day!


33 Weeks

7 weeks to go!!! Where has the time gone!!! This week has been pretty busy! I was in the classroom three days this week, but thankfully I can now say that I have completed my hours and lessons in the classroom until August! However, now I have a lot of paper work to complete before I can really say I am done, but I am done with being away from my kids for days! Valentines day was also this week, you can check our day here.

This week I have been experiencing incredible tailbone pain. While delivering Grace I broke my tailbone and it has come back with vengeance this past week. I started feeling it too while pregnant with David Michael and I would go to the chiropractor and she would definitely relieve the pain, but sadly after about two weeks the pain would come back.  I have thought about going to see her again, but sadly with my school schedule I don't have a lot of extra time.
Weight: 24 lbs. Down two pounds from last week. Not really sure why?
Sleep: I have had some pretty vivid and bad dreams this week, which makes it difficult to sleep.
Cravings: Cereal has been the name of the game this week. Which is pretty unusual for me, because I usually don't eat cereal really ever, but I have eaten my fair share this week. Baby Emma must have needed some calcium this week. And yes I truly do believe a lot of your cravings have to do with that the baby needs.
Miss Anything: This week has been bending over. I am pretty much a clean freak and I have left toys and other things on the floor which I ordinarily would never let sit on the floor for too long, but when I think about how many trips I will have to bend over. I just walk right on by.
Looking Forward: To knowing if Emma is head down on Wednesday. I see Dr. Price on Wednesday, the doctor who delivered David Michael, and I know he will let me know if she is in position for her arrival!

 Check out David Michael at 33 weeks here.

Love Day 2016

Our Saturday night kicked off Valentines with heart shaped waffles for dinner. The kids thought that was a lot of fun!

Then Sunday morning Grace and I woke up to roses, balloons, and donuts from our two Valentines!

Valentines evening our wonderful church supplied free childcare for parents to go out and enjoy each other alone. Michael spoiled me and took me to a restaurant we had never been to, which is not hard to do since we never go out. This night was really special to us because that will most likely be the last time we get to go out alone before Emma arrives, so we tried to make the most of it! It is amazing how fast two hours fly by when you are having fun! 

So thankful for a day to enjoy my loves!

32 Weeks Pregnant with Emma Faith

This week we officially put three car seats in the back of our car. We weren't completely sure they were going to fit, but thankfully they did! We have been looking at other vehicles for our new little addition (which is quite expensive!) but we were not sure where the funds would come from, so we were really wishing and hoping that all three car seats would fit! And they did! Right now they fit pretty well because David Michael and Emma are still rear facing and Grace is forward facing. We will try to make this work as long as possible! 

These past two weeks I am been experiencing a lot of Braxton Hicks. I have not really been able to see a pattern of when or how often, they are very random. Just means that Emma is getting me ready for her arrival!

Weight: 26 lbs. Not really happy with this number right now knowing I still have eight weeks to go.
Sleep: I really can't complain. I have been waking up early and just laying there, but I think that is mostly due to the fact that I have lesson plans running through my mind.
Cravings: Any drink that is cold and not water. I even bought some chocolate milk this week just for me. If you know me this is completely out of my behavior.
Miss Anything: Being comfortable! I can't remember the last time I could get into a comfortable position. I also miss snuggling with my two little ones. My lap is pretty much non existent these days, so as much as they want to they have to sit beside me which isn't quite the same.
Looking Forward: To finishing Emma's nursery. Michael finally thinks he might be able to set up Emma's crib. We were missing the bolts and screw for the crib and he has done hours of research to try and locate somethings that will work and he thinks he might have what we need coming this week! Now I just need to find a dresser for all her little things.

See David Michael at 32 weeks here.

31 Weeks

Single digits we have arrived! 9 Weeks to go!!

This past week has been pretty difficult for me. Out of the last five work days I have been gone for the entire morning away from my kidos for school. Emotionally and physically this has been really difficult for me.

Weight: 23 lbs.
Sleep: This week I have had a good night and then a terrible night.
Cravings: I can honestly say nothing. Not much room in there for food.
Miss Anything: Having the ability to bend over, especially in the classroom when there are things on the floor.
Looking Forward: Next week when I get to hear how Emma is doing. Her appointments are every two weeks now which means she is going to be here before we know it!

Check out David Michael at 31 weeks here.

Pregnant Brain

I consider myself a neat freak, a person who loves routines, a relatively experienced mom, and a lover of nap time! Yesterday I finally had a morning at home with just me and my kidos (because I have been out and about due to student teaching). We jumped right back into our Tuesday routine of story time at our local library. Grace looks forward to Tuesday every week, secretly I dread it because David Michael makes sure I don't get a chance to stay still, but it is completely worth it! After story time we had to make a Target run ( by the way "had" is not a very strong word). We picked up a few things off our list and a few things that weren't on the list as well. Then we headed home to eat lunch. After lunch I was so ready to sit down in the peace and quiet for a little bit. Well I quickly put down Grace and then David Michael to walk upstairs and lay down on my bed for a few minutes. To my surprise both kids actually fell asleep! I was able to work on some school work, watch a little Pioneer Woman, and tackle the dishes; which in my mind is a perfect nap time! Grace woke up first and ran into David Micheal's room and yells, "Baby not have a diaper on". My mind races back to as I was laying him down and I decided not to put his pants back on... why? I don't know? Did I not think that by making that choice I was asking for it? So I slowly walk in to see his sheets and everything in his bed soaked with pee. I immediately thought, Yes I dodged a bullet, no poop! As I pull him out of his crib diaperless, that is when the poop begins... a trail of poop on the crib, carpet, me, him all the way to the bathroom. Grace immediately asks, "mom, why baby poop on that floor"? I try to ignore her questions, knowing it was completely my fault. I was the one who did not think before putting him down. All I could do is laugh at the situation. I obviously was NOT thinking or if I was thinking I had my mind on one thing... my bed. 

After being out of the house the last few days, I secretly loved cleaning up everything. I love my kids so incredibly, even when it means I am scrubbing all afternoon. I know my kids will only be little for a short time. I praise the Lord for even the lack of brain power these days, because it means there is a little brain that is growing and more poop stories will be made!

Love these little faces and look forward to everyday with them!
Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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